“Go to The Point” is a somatosensory game based on orienteering rules. It was implemented by Unity game editor and Arduino Leonardo. provide a way for players to exercise at home, and meanwhile, popularize orienteering as a type of sport.
· Catching features
An orienteering video game controlled by the mouse and keyboard. Players can experience the rules and process of orienteering.

· Ring Fit Adventure
A motion-sensing game for home fitness. Players can physically exercise while they are playing this game. Gamification makes the process of exercise interesting.
Technical foundation
Arduino Leonardo detects player movement: jogging, and spinning, and simulates keyboard input. The sender, also the detecting unit would send the detected result through NRF24L01, a single-chip transceiver, which supports many-to-one communication. The figure on the right illustrates its principle.

Brochure Design
To provide players with a vivid orienteering experience in the game, I designed the physical brochure for each game scene. The front of the map corresponds to a game scene, and it delivers route information to players. The back of the map demonstrates how to wear equipment, the operation, and some techniques of orienteering.

