To make video-based choices matter games like Love Is All Around, As Dusk Falls, and The Invisible Guardian, easier and faster, I made a plot plugin that was adapted from Node Based Dialog System by cherrdev. With this plugin, developers can create a choice-matter game without programming. They only need to create videos and organize the sequence and interrelation of the videos. By building nodes and drawing lines among them, developers can make the game with high efficiency.
Sentence Node: The sentence means the content of the game. I did not find another appropriate noun so its original name was keepen. It encapsulates a Name and Video Clip. This scriptable object also records its parent node and child node. Given that Node A stands as the game's initial point, it lacks a parent node. Upon the system's pointer reaching this node, the Video Clip's content will be automatically played.
Answer Node: As the system's pointer arrives at this node, it will provide four or fewer options for players to choose from. Each option may lead the plot to a different branch. The system features two key lists: an 'answers list' and a 'child sentence nodes list.' The answers list stores the text displayed on option buttons, while the child sentence nodes list keeps track of the subsequent child nodes that each option will lead to.
Jump Node: It is designed to introduce loops within the narrative's logic structure. When the system's pointer reaches this node, it redirects to the node specified in the Jump Target by name. The purpose of this node is to streamline the plot logic, ensuring clarity and organization within the story's flow.
Plot logic map
Test result
resource address
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Baidu Yun: Password: jk1j